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Helping Shoppers Connect With The Brands They Love

For nearly two decades, we’ve been helping the world’s most recognizable brands and retailers curate meaningful customer experiences. Each completed project represents a massive amount of work, hours of close collaboration with the client to design a retail experience that captures the essence of their brand, and makes their product stand out in a crowd.

“the end result reflects the client’s vision”

Watching the creative process unfold is what we love most about this job. It usually starts with a brainstorm that leaves us with more questions than answers. But as we begin to walk in the shoes of our clients and REALLY understand the essence of their products and the types of customers they’re trying to reach, the end goal becomes much more clear. That brainstorm then leads to sketches, which ultimately lead to a prototype or two… and by the time we reach final production, the end result is exactly what the client was looking for. At the end of this creative process, we’ve built something that does so much more than just sell a product, we’ve created an experience that lets customers connect with a brand in a way that’s only possible in-store.

“we’ve created an experience that lets customers connect with a brand”

Our clients don’t often see the inner-workings of this process, but behind the scenes there’s a symphony of skilled professionals working in harmony. The sales, design, engineering and production teams need to be lock-step through the entire process to ensure the end result reflects the client’s vision. And the job’s only half done when a display leaves our production facility. Sometimes the logisitics of transit and deployment can be the most challenging. But that’s one of the areas we excel. We have years of experience seeing retail projects from concept to installation – an important point of distinction, when you consider some firms hand off jobs to outside vendors once the design work is complete. But not OnQ. Our job isn’t done until a display is up and running in-store (and even then, we provide support and manage product refreshes for the life of the display).

Through it all, we strive to be a trusted partner to our clients, helping them navigate the often-challenging retail landscape. We’d love the opportunity to learn more about your retail aspirations.

We can help you get there
Email us at and let’s chat.


We can help you get there
Email us at and let’s chat.

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